Oxbow Social Media Monitoring

Helping a startup give parents some social media peace of mind.
Multiple Inc, Oxbow Social Media Monitoring

Oxbow Social Media Monitoring is the developer of a social media application that enables parents to monitor their child’s Instagram and Twitter accounts from their own mobile devices, and to review, approve, or deny their child’s outbound posts prior to them going live. The company is headquartered in Rocky River, Ohio.

There have been countless documented cases of kids who use social media—Instagram, or Twitter for example—finding themselves caught up in bad situations. Communication between friends can quickly spiral out of control, creating nightmare situations for anyone even peripherally involved. While social media monitoring systems exist, they provide only after-the-fact evidence. Our clients were out to create a preventive buffer between potentially dangerous pieces of communication and the damage they might do, and to enable parents to teach their children about smart social media use without denying them use.

Articulation and execution.

Because the concept was unique, we gave it a unique name. Named for the u-shaped bends that form in rivers when the flow of water is diverted, Oxbow allows parents to divert a child’s inbound and outbound social media interactions into a ‘holding area’ for approval or denial.

We developed an identity and brand framework that was applied to everything from business cards and website to the app interface itself, created video assets to help communicate the concept, and worked with Oxbow’s app developers to design features and functionality to help users quickly and easily integrate the app into family social media interactions. Advertising at events such as the 2015 Southwest Showcase in Dallas helped introduce the product to parents and teachers.


After securing a significant investment, Oxbow is helping thousands of parents sleep a little more soundly at night, secure in the knowledge that many of the social media messages their children might create, be the subject of, or receive are not making their way around the webosphere without passing through their hands.

Multiple Inc, Oxbow Social Media Monitoring
Named for the u-shaped bends that form in rivers when the flow of water is diverted, Oxbow allows parents to divert a child’s inbound and outbound social media interactions into a ‘holding area’ for approval or denial.
Multiple Inc, Oxbow Social Media Monitoring
Multiple Inc, Oxbow Social Media Monitoring
Multiple Inc, Oxbow Social Media Monitoring
Branded communication extended from the app itself to website, collateral, and social media.
Multiple Inc, Oxbow Social Media Monitoring
Multiple Inc, Oxbow Social Media Monitoring
Multiple Inc, Oxbow Social Media Monitoring
User interface design helped streamline development of the app.
Multiple Inc, Oxbow Social Media Monitoring
Multiple Inc, Oxbow Social Media Monitoring
Introducing Oxbow at prominent events helped the concept gain understanding and traction with parents.
Multiple Inc, Oxbow Social Media Monitoring
Multiple Inc, Oxbow Social Media Monitoring
Multiple Inc, Oxbow Social Media Monitoring
Multiple Inc, Oxbow Social Media Monitoring

Scope of Services


Research, analysis, data visualization, product roadmapping, campaign strategy


Copywriting, photography, video, social content


Systems architecture, front-end development, back-end development


Positioning, messaging, naming, visual identity systems, brand application


Integrated campaigns, digital experiences, print/packaging, environmental experiences


Social media campaigns, email campaigns
Adello Biologics
Branding / Identity Digital / Web