What's our purpose?
Work  /  Chicago  /  03.24.25
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Mulitple Productiondesigner Job Post
Careers  /  Chicago  /  06.24.24
We’re looking for a Designer with 1-2 years of post-college experience who will thrive in a dynamic, challenging, and highly creative environment.
Multiple Inc Eby Brown Branding Hero 111623
Work  /  Chicago  /  11.29.23
FreshTakes was designed to challenge the Performance Food Group’s corporate chefs to think fresh and fast! To test their incredible culinary skills by remixing and creating new taste experiences centered around four convenient store food service programs that deliver on quality, variety, taste, and value for grab-and-go convenience food.
Multiple Inc Eighth Light Branding F 110223
Sparking Innovation.
Work  /  Chicago  /  11.03.23
The team at 8th Light was looking to start fresh with a new brand and website to showcase the impressive portfolio of custom development solutions the...
Multiple Inc, Careers, Web Developer
Chicago: Front-end Developer
Careers  /  Chicago, IL  /  11.07.22
We’re looking for an experienced developer who can connect the art of design with the science of programming.
Multiple Inc, African Carnivore Wildbook, Website
Citizen Science is Love.
Updates  /  Chicago, IL  /  03.21.22
Welcome to African Carnivore Wildbook: putting advanced technology to work for conservation.
Iss X Cs Assets 011222 1700
This is not science fiction.
Work  /  Los Angeles  /  01.12.22
Indigo Space Systems is a woman-owned space company out to make venturing into space more cost-effective, more flexible, more reliable, and more space-friendly, while also making it less risky for both people and capital.
Multiple Inc, Updates, Once Upon Our Time Capsule
Once Upon Our Time Capsule Public Art Project
Updates  /  Chicago  /  10.20.21
A coalition of leading Chicago organizations have teamed up to debut Once Upon Our Time Capsule, an all-new, citywide, internationally unique participatory art and storytelling project that will empower children to share their stories of resilience.
Multiple Inc Pga Tour Brand Standards Logo 100523
Today & Timeless
Work  /  Ponte Vedra Beach, FL  /  07.23.21
The PGA Tour is a vibrant sports brand expressed through its players, tournaments, properties, architecture, interiors, graphic design and even their apparel. The TOUR's proud tradition and present day vitality is personified by their particular "visual personality." It is expressed through the authentic and intellectual fundamentals. This style is represented by the theme, "Today and Timeless." Within this broad concept breaths the heart, personality and visage of a truly world-class organization.
Multiple Inc, Work, Digital Design and Development
Digital Design and Development
Work  /  03.26.21
As one of the first (if not the very first) experiences a prospective customer, partner, or other stakeholders may have with an organization, product, or service, digital communication that’s on-brand, comprehensive, informative, and accessible is a powerful tool.
Multiple Inc, AccelerEd
Adapting to Change.
Work  /  Bethesda, MD  /  03.10.21
Built on a history of innovation and a passion for education, AccelerEd has deep roots in the expertise required to support and scale digital solutions to attract learners and drive revenue growth.
Multiple Inc, Advance Illinois, Pandemic
Education in a Pandemic.
Work  /  Chicago, IL  /  02.23.21
In the spring of 2020, Illinois was struck by the COVID-19 pandemic, changing what school looks like for children and families across the state.
Multiple Inc, Careers, Chicago Office
Chicago: Front-end Developer
Careers  /  Chicago, IL  /  02.10.21
We’re looking for an experienced developer who can connect the art of design with the science of programming.
Ideas  /  Andy Eltzroth  /  Chicago, IL  /  10.27.20
About 12 years ago, during the 2008 recession, we started using the term “nimbility” to describe our young design firm. In case you haven’t heard the term, the Urban Dictionary now provides this definition: The art of being nimble.
Multiple Inc, Ideas, EO-N
The write move.
Ideas  /  Dave Mason  /  Chicago, IL  /  10.25.20
I never intended to write a novel. In 2018 I was probably like a lot of people living in the not-so-United States: chugging along in an attempt at a positive daily life while mired in an endless flow of bad news.
Multiple Inc, Advance Illinois, The State We're In 2019
Improving outcomes and opportunities.
Work  /  Chicago, IL  /  08.07.20
Where does Illinois stand on the steps to readiness? The 2019 edition of The State We’re In measures Illinois’ educational performance from early childhood through postsecondary.
Branding for brand reps.
Work  /  Chicago, IL  /  05.13.20
Stack Brogan Collective is a women-owned business that represents a curated selection of leading furniture and textile manufacturers. At heart, they’re creative professionals who happen to know the furniture design and architecture world inside and out with collectively more than 75 years of industry experience.
Medication administration made easier.
Work  /  Chicago, IL  /  05.04.20
Simplist is a ready-to-administer prefilled syringe that makes it easier to mitigate risk while maintaining efficiency. However, Simplist isn’t just a syringe line; it’s also an initiative to help healthcare providers make the most of their resources and give their patients the best care possible. Simplist is about improving practices and providing safer tools for clinicians.